
Financial Solutions

To support financial service providers to develop and scale innovative and responsive financial solutions for women and youth to promote equality, empowerment, and wellbeing.

We advocate to increase the offering of innovative and responsive products and services targeting women and youth-owned or managed MSMEs.

To achieve this, FSDT implements the following three distinctive interventions

Other Sectors
Policies & Regulations

To improve policies, legal and regulatory frameworks that promote gender equality, as well as economic and financial opportunities for women and youth.

Financial Infrastructure

To improve availability of relevant financial sector infrastructures that will equip the financial sector players and other stakeholders with the ability to meet the needs and aspirations of women and youth.

Capability Development

To improve confidence and capability of women and youth to demand and use financial solutions.

Research, Data & Insights

to support financial service providers, policymakers, regulators, and other players in the financial sector in identification of market opportunities, development of appropriate financial solutions, and implementation of cost-effective delivery models, as well as appropriate regulatory frameworks.