
Digital Field Automation Case Study

The Digital Field Automation (DFA) is an automated account opening and loan application program which has increased access to financial services for individuals and small business owners living in rural

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Mfumo Jumuishi Case Study

Mfumo Jumuishi – A model borne from the need to overcome constraints to financial & economic progress for smallholder farmers. Life of a smallholder farmer can be financially desperate and

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FSDT Annual Report 2018-2019

Since 2004, when the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) was formed, great strides have been made towards achieving our goal that all Tanzanians derive value from regular use of financial

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Story of Digital Finance in Tanzania

Financial inclusion, as defined by the World Bank, is when “individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs – transactions, payments,

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Vijana na Huduma Jumuishi za Kifedha

Vijana huchukuliwa kuwa ni soko gumu la kuhudumia kwa maana ya kutoa huduma za fedha, kwani wengi wao hawana Vitambulisho vinavyoweza kukidhi matakwa ya “Mjue Mteja Wako”, pengine hii inatokana

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Youth Financial Inclusion

They are considered a diff cult market to serve in terms of financial service provision, as many do not have sufficient ID to fulfil Know-Your-Customer requirements, presumably low transaction volumes

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FSDT Annual Report 2017 – 2018

The Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) works to the goal that all Tanzanians derive value from regular use of financial services which are delivered with dignity and fairness.

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