
Robert Chikawe

Driver / Administrative Officer

Robert is an Office Driver with 23 years experience behind the wheel. At FSDT, Robert is in charge of the office car fleet and transport logistics, delivery of outgoing hardcopy correspondences and to drive staff up country for field missions.

He set off his career as a Long Vehicle Driver on tracks and trailers in the early 1990s travelling within East and Central Africa. He later worked with Airtel Tanzania Ltd and later joined FSDT in 2007. Robert is very competent in his field of work and takes pride and passion in executing his daily duties.

To further his career, Robert has undergone through numerous trainings with Vocational Education Training Authority (VETA), Road Safety and Prevention stage I and II, British Petroleum ( BP) and National Institute of Transport (NIT); Defensive Driving, NIP (National Institute of Productivity); Road Safety Management.